Saved by Soft Ride Customer Contest
Soft Ride is there for your horses, from getting them back on their feet after an injury or illness to keeping them in top form on the trailer. As we wind down the year with the holiday season we love reflecting on how horses are benefiting from using Soft Ride. This year we are so excited to share all these stories of how Soft Ride is helping horses around the world! Read on to hear these stories and then click the link before to vote for your favorites. Voting is open December 20th-31st and winners will get a gift card for a new pair of Soft Ride Boots!
Soft Ride Team
Submissions are edited for clarity and stock photos have been used when images were not provided during submission.
My 17 year old Mustang came down with Laminitis after being accidentally overdosed on Butte following an injury to her shoulder from another horse. Over the last couple years she has been diagnosed with Cushing, and managing the Laminitis has been overwhelming at times, especially in the fall. Soft Ride Boots have given my girl more comfort than you can imagine and she loves to wear them. She will lift her foot and understands the process all too well. I found them easy to get on and off and we are doing just fine now. Thank you Soft Ride!
Lisa and Mustang
Rene’s Red Firefly (Firefly) is the definition of grit and try! She would make a barrel run three legged if that was what I’d ask her to do. We started using Soft Ride Boots several years ago on some of my other horses. I never thought to try them on Firefly until about two months ago when her legs started swelling really bad when she was stalled. We started using them on her and it’s been a game changer, she’s back to being a 1D horse everywhere she goes and winning or placing at high school rodeo in Utah and we owe it all to Soft Ride Boots!!
Denim and Firefly
On May 21, 2023 my husband and I were scheduling two separate equine ride getaways. Unfortunately we found out after the farrier had placed shoes on our horses that we would have to cancel- our gelding had an abscess and the shoes had to be pulled, then off to the vet we did go! White line disease and gravel was evident the culprit. After X-rays we needed to find an expert on this disease. Meeting with the expert we found out both our gelding and our mare were being shod incorrectly! Gelding was so sore he was not walking without pain and our our expert talked about how long this realignment was going to take. He introduced us to the Soft Ride boots with gel inserts. We couldn’t believe the difference in Gelding’s walk! We were so impressed with the boots and how much they fit and helped him. Now, in November of 2024 he is still wearing them in the rocky paddock. When they are both turned out in the pasture they go barefoot. I could hear him running as fast as he could go back to the paddock to get his grain and hay. I am so happy to hear that and thankful for Soft Ride Boots!
Pam and Gelding
A friend recommended these boots and they are amazing! My gelding, Titan, has thin soles and these are amazing for making him comfortable. Thank you for making an amazing boot!
Peggy and Titan
Soft Ride literally saved my horse's life, and gave us more time together than we would have had otherwise. My retirement present to myself was getting back to horse ownership. My 27 year old Arabian-Pinto cross mare has been a wonderful horse, and we are deeply bonded. On days we don’t ride we do liberty work to keep her moving and in condition. Lula was diagnosed with advanced Cushings disease, and had a serious bout with laminitis one fall. Medications and icing her feet 2 and 3 times a day helped bring relief from inflammation and pain. Then based on the stable owner’s recommendation I ordered Soft Ride Boots for her. The gel insoles immediately helped her find comfort while on stall rest, she wore them 24 hours a day. Lula stood square on her feet, not rocked back. The farrier came and helped make her comfortable, and he was impressed with the improvements the boots made in a short time. Once she was cleared by the vet for limited turnout the boots helped her make the transition to being in a dirt paddock rather than a stall with deep bedding. She wore them non-stop during recovery. The other boarders in the barn saw the relief the Soft Ride Boots gave Lula, and how she was able to return to trail rides in comfort. Others have now ordered Soft Ride for their horses based on the terrific results Lula had with them, some for hoof soreness, others for trailering out to shows. Thank you for developing these life saving boots; Lula and I look forward to many more years of pain-free time together! I’m grateful, especially during this holiday season!
Marcia and Lula
Our cherished Hope Meadows horse, Elucktra, plays a crucial role in helping our clients heal. As she ages, it's so important to keep her comfortable. Thanks to Soft Ride Equine Comfort Boots, she's getting the support she needs to manage her significant Laminitis. These boots are essential for her mechanical support, reducing severe pressure on her feet. We're grateful for this help in keeping Elucktra happy and healthy!
Hope Meadows Foundation and Elucktra
In October of this year my 17 yr old mare was diagnosed with thin soles and a cyst on her fetlock. I knew I needed some cushion to get her blood flowing in her hoof and fetlock. She had an injection of stem cells in her fetlock and we added wearing Soft Ride Boots to our daily routine, and everything has gone well! April is sound again! No more limping! No more bobbing her head in foot pain! I saw Soft Ride Boots on the web as I was doing my own research and I’m so glad I went with them. They are easy to put on and April willingly puts her hoof in it! Thank you soft Ride!!! Sincerely Brenda.
Brenda and April
We purchased a palomino paint weanling who became a science project from day one. He had PSSM and was never able to tolerate a riding program which was so sad since he was a natural talent who never needed training, if you could sit there you could ride it. One day after hard play and a broken fence, he was unable to walk. It would take him 45 minutes to hobble out of his stall. Our vet was gone and couldn’t return because of a big snow storm. When she got back two weeks later, we had the backhoe running with the decision to put him down. She didn’t believe he was foundering and asked if we would consider x-rays and give him another two weeks. In my heart, I wasn’t sure putting down was the best decision. The x-rays showed a broken navicular bone. The vet immediately recommended Soft Ride Boots sharing hers until I could order him a pair. He lived in the boots for the next eight months. The event occurred in January which was perfect because I know & you know that should have required stall rest, he went outside and stood in the snow which was natural icing until May. By October, he was running in his paddock again and he was sound! Crazy right? He stayed well and sound for the next five years. Then he foundered, but again it was winter and he started living in his new pair of Soft Rides. For the second time, after months, he again was sound. He was always referred to as “Happy Horse”. Soft Ride Boots put the twinkle back in his eye and gave us many more years together. Thank-you for your wonderful product!
Paige and Cutter Bee
I love your boots so much Dancer has two pairs! I just love them, they’re such a great product for the horse. They are without a doubt the best boots out there!
Myrell and Dancer
January on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada isn’t supposed to be below -5 degrees celsius. However this year (and the past two in honesty) have been quite cold. The horses get frisky in the now -23 and in this picture is Odesza BWF 2019 Gaudi Filly. She was clowning around and pulled a front shoe. In this weather we can’t wait a week for the farrier to come so to protect her from frozen ground founder, I immediately put on her Soft Ride Boot. She can wear it 24 hours a day without rubs or abrasion. I take it off daily but there is never an issue. Thank you. I love Soft Ride Boots. They certainly have more uses than just the long trailer rides to the south for training and I so appreciate that very much!
Joey and Odesza
I can't thank you enough for your crazy fast delivery! I am in shock at the instant relief these boots provided to my senior guy with very thin soles. Forever grateful to have found this product!
Darcy and Horse
My beloved pony, Casey, just recently passed away at the age of 34. I have had her for 29 of those years. I can honestly say that thanks to one of the best farriers in the world and Soft Ride Boots she was able to be a special part of my life all those years. I do believe that this is her in her first pair in 2015. The boots became part of her everyday “attire” as she had chronic laminitis issues. Her boots were a godsend for us and we purchased several pairs through the years. This is a more recent picture of her… still in Soft Ride Boots. Yes, she did get gray as the years passed! I have recommended your boots to many people through the years as I feel they are the best boots. Thank you so much for providing us with such a wonderful product and being a part of providing many Good Years with my special pony 💕🐴
Lisa and Casey
Happy Thanksgiving! Your products and people are the reason I still have my 37 year old, and now, more recently, my 30 year old. We are very grateful for you, your expertise, and for our vet suggesting your product in the first place, several years ago. Thank you!
Carl and Horses
Little late, but better than never! This morning my dad and I headed for the bright lights of Vegas! We stopped overnight to let the team rest and will drive the rest of the way into Vegas tomorrow! I am so very grateful and blessed with this opportunity and my fabulous parents! I hope y'all enjoy the reality of trying to take pictures with horses!
Mackey and Horses
Hades #1 must have when traveling are his Soft Ride Boots!!!
Cia and Hades
Thank you for Buck’s Soft Ride therapy boots!! So much love to everyone in Buck's care community!
Red Feather Farm and Buck
We may own the most pair of Soft Rides, we’ve been using them for years. It started with a foundered horse and then moved to his caretaker friend, Global Village. Global Village was adopted as a companion for my dressage competition horse. He fractured his leg 9 years ago and required surgery and 3 months at Michigan State University. Dr. Frank Nickle’s had introduced us to Soft Rides a few years earlier and we knew that Global Village would live in them for the rest of his life. Because of the structural changes a hoof goes through, over 9 years, due to the fracture, we’ve had sizes: 3, 4, 5L, and 2s….quite an array and boxes filled with them! We switch them out daily during the winter, so that they have a chance to dry and warm. It’s a Soft Ride production line. We now have two horses in the boots. Soft Rides have saved us multiple times and they keep the boys comfortable after shoes come off for winter.
Minde and Global Village
Soft Ride will be closed for the Winter Holidays from Friday, December 20th and will re-open Monday, January 6th at 9am. No orders will ship during this time.
Ignite Sports Science Olympic Disciplines Seminar
Ignite for Equine Athletes will be putting on their second annual sports science seminar in Ocala, Florida January 12-13th 2025. Soft Ride is a proud sponsor of Ignite as it helps to advance leading-edge knowledge, evidence-based approaches and collaborative, proactive practices focused on injury prevention, peak performance and longevity for equine athletes.
Event Information:
January 12-13, 2025
World Equestrian Center
Ocala, FL
Sign up Contact Info:
Dr. Rob Keene
We LOVE hearing from our customers and getting updates on how your horses are doing! Please send us your story and a photo of your horse in their Soft Ride products for a chance to be featured on our social media, in an upcoming issue of our newsletter, and to be entered in a Soft Ride giveaway!
Email us here:
Text us photos and stories to 419-469-5293 (this number only receives texts, for questions please call our main customer service number).
Tag us:
Facebook: Soft Ride Equine Comfort Boots
Instagram: @soft.ride
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As we continue our drive to keep your horse on his feet, we've received more than 15 patents, ship to over 50 countries, and work with more than 6,000 veterinarians around the world, as well as every veterinarian school in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. And with horse owners from every discipline using our products, we can safely and proudly say, "The best in the world rely on Soft Ride."