My team roping "head" horse is 19 years old and has ringbone. In the past I have kept him on bute or something similar to bute. At the end of January his kidneys failed. After getting him well enough to ride I had another problem. I was not able to give him any more bute. I was going to Oklahoma City to the Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo and the stalls are on concrete. A friend of mine loaned me a pair of Soft Ride boots. He told me that they would keep my horse sound. They did just that. I was there for 5 days and he (my horse) never felt better. When it was over we were the DNCFR champs. My horse feels better with the boots than the bute.
Ross Lowry
My horse Bette is a 20 year old Quarter Horse mare who is a chronic founder due to neglect, shoes, and when barefoot, bad trimming. I have been working on her for the past 2 months. Just to give you an idea of how bad she was, I had to use a saw to cut the front of her hoof off just to get control of her toe area. After working on her for 3 weeks, her feet were still so painful that our vet had to anesthetize her to lie her down to be able to trim her foundered front feet. Her body is in such bad condition from her founder stance and her joints and muscles are twisted due to her twisted hoof growth. She has huge knots that we work out until our arms ache. Poor girl is in bad shape. By the way, I made boots for her using duct tape and neoprene. Worked fairly well, but Soft Ride is greatly superior.
The reason I didn't suggest putting her down was because Bette has a light in her eye, a strong determination to live. Though she has every reason to complain, she never does.
My vet estimated that she had 8 degrees of rotation in her hooves when I first started with her. He said that due to her twisted hoof growth she is the worst case he's ever worked on. No doubt she has coffin bone deterioration as well.
Just imagine how a horse with 8 degrees of rotation and twisted hoof growth should walk after 2 months. This is due to being on a track, no confinement- constant access to movement. I drive her around the track several times a day. She also has buddies who move her about. Natural hoof trimming is a huge part of this as well. However, I think much of the credit has to go to her Soft Ride boots. Thanks you so much!
Amanda Marsh, Natural Hoof Trimmer
Hi! Just wanted you to know that we've just ordered our 4th pair of Soft Ride Boots for my mare, Snip. Snip would not be alive without her boots. Her coffin bone is perpendicular to the ground and she has only about 1/8th of an inch of sole between the coffin bone and the ground.
With her Soft Ride Boots she is not just comfortable, she's a Wild Thing! There is no way she should be able to stand comfortably, let alone race around, bucking and showing off her big floaty trot! She takes no pain medication and is happy and loving life. Thank you!
Kerry Coward

After another blizzard, the weather was clear today, so we took the opportunity to take Kisses out for a walk so she could really try out her new boots. Needless to say, it was a success. No pain meds today at all, and hopefully tomorrow will be the same.
Henry couldn't resist...he needed a "Soft Ride" too!!
PS… you'll have to pardon the "winter hair!" Minis look more like mini buffalo around here in the winter.

I know that you receive plenty of testimonials regarding Soft Ride Boots. It is not even my style to send these sorts of testimonials. However, I feel that I must because I am so passionate about your product. My 19-year-old Arabian gelding had severally rotated in both front feet. This horse, in the vet's own words, should not be standing or even wanting to walk! I have had him since he was a yearling and thought I owed it to him to do my very best to help him be pain free as much as I could. He had the spirit to fight!
My farrier had told me about your boots. I must admit I was in a bit of a panic and worried about how I was going to be able to get through this. You sent me two pairs to try, for fit, overnight. I cannot begin to tell how much CJ loved (what we call) his "little Nike Air Jordan's!" These allowed him to walk and not just be confined to his stall and paddock.
Unfortunately, the time finally came for CJ to run in green pastures forever. We just looked at each other and decided he was tired and could not fight anymore.
I have told all about your amazing product. A co-worker is a professional barrel racer, with a horse that has hurt front feet. I told her about the Soft Rides and told her she could have mine if they fit, which they did! She just returned from a barrel competition in Las Vegas and said that EVERY horse was wearing Soft Rides! She trailered her mare home in them (11 hour ride).
You have no idea how much these boots meant to CJ and me. I just had to write to let you know how Soft Ride boots helped me with my fight. I'm glad I could pass them along to help another horse be comfortable.
I just had to tell I am so grateful to your company. I purchased Soft Ride Comfort boots for my chronically Laminitic horse. I have tried everything for her: cut out garden pads, Easy boots, frog pads, 2-inch Styrofoam pads. You name it; I duck taped it to my mare's feet trying to make her more comfortable for two years.
Since her laminitic episodes, Winy has been mostly confined to a stall and slowly moves around enough to get her food and water. Everyday was painful not only for her but for our family watching her and trying to make her comfortable. This last bout of Laminitis and a hoof abscess had me just days away from taking her to the horse clinic to be put down. I was searching the web and came across your web site and decided to call.
I ordered, and the boots delivered three days later. I have to say I was skeptical at first. I applied the boots and stood back to watch what would happen. To my amazement Winnie was instantly more comfortable. She walked to the back of her stall with no problem and actually strode over to her window. I had to keep watching. Next, instead of the shuffle to get around she strode one foot in front of the other to get to her water bucket.
When my husband came home I told him of the day's events. He became teary-eyed and had to go to the barn immediately to see the change. Both of us watched in amazement as she freely moved around her stall like there was nothing wrong.
My daughter came home from work and I told her to go take a look at Winnie's new boots. She went to the barn and came back about 15 minutes later. She was shocked at the difference the Soft Ride Boots made. She said "Mom not only does Winnie have her feet back, she also has her carefree, loveable disposition," one that we had not seen for a long time. I have to say Soft Ride Comfort boots saved this mare's life.
Three weeks later I cannot close her stall door quick enough. She is constantly trying to sneak out to talk to her other barn buddies. I can't wait until the day she can just be turned out with the rest of them. Just to see her move so comfortably has made a huge difference not only in her life but also in my family's. I am so grateful for such a wonderful product. I would recommend them to any horse facility/person dealing with Laminitis issues. I am so impressed with this product I am going to bring a pair of the Soft Ride Comfort boots in to our world-renowned lameness specialist at the horse clinic for him to see. I know once he sees the product and hears what it has done for our horse he will be amazed. Once again I cannot thank you enough for your superior product. You took a very big sadness we had carried for this mare and made it a joy once again to have her around.
And a few months later…
Just a quick update on Winnie. We finally got some warmer weather here in Minnesota and Winnie was feeling good. She was actually running circles in her stall, bucking and kicking and having a grand time in her boots. The other mare we purchased the boots for is also much more comfortable and her attitude shows it.
Jan Litten, Vice President of the Minnesota North Star Paint Horse club
We are using the boots every day for one horse or the other and I cannot even describe how wonderful they are.
When we have one a little sore after taking shoes off, these boots give instant relief to the horse. We have an average of 18 to 20 horses on our farm, and over the years we tried many different products but none came even close.
Gus Spreng, Flying 4 Ranch