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Newsletter - Issue #18

Happy New Year from Soft Ride

The team here at Soft Ride is excited to trot into a new year and we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride!

As most of the country buckles down for blustery below average temperatures and lots of snow in the northern part of the country we want to make sure your horses are as comfortable as possible. From blankets to boots, making sure your horses are warm and safe is a top priority this time of year.

Read on to see where we’re headed next and learn about the most recent developments in the laminitis research field in a special feature article sponsored by Soft Ride on TheHorse.com.
Soft Ride Team
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Soft Ride on the Road

Soft Ride has always believed in research and science as the basis for our innovation and we have always valued the participation of industry professionals in our designs. Now more than ever it is important to support higher education and advancement among Equine Veterinary and Podiatry students and professionals.

Texas A & M Wet Lab and Job Fair

Soft Ride has partnered with SCAAEP (Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners) to offer students the opportunity to work with outstanding equine clinicians as they learn valuable skills in equine veterinary medicine. SCAAEP and the Texas Equine Veterinary Association (TEVA) are hosting an equine medicine focused job fair and wet labs that allow students to network with equine veterinary clinics from all around the country.

Event Information:
Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center
January 13th, 2024

177 Joe Routt Blvd
College Station, TX 77840

Link: Texasequineva.com/scaaep-job-fair
Contact: epwetlabregistration@tamu.edu

Rood and Riddle International Podiatry Summit

The International Podiatry Conference aims to bring together experienced equine veterinarians and farriers for skill development and discussion. The ability to meet and discuss techniques will help advance the skill set of all attending, raise new questions, formulate new areas of research, and facilitate contacts between veterinarians and farriers. This conference will feature lectures, demos, and hands-on wet labs for participating vets and farriers.

Event Information:
Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital
April 18 – April 20, 2024

2150 Georgetown Rd
Lexington, KY 40511

Contact: https://form.jotform.com/233463971873164

Laminitis with TheHorse.Com

Learn about the causes and clinical signs of laminitis in horses, and what researchers say about how to manage and prevent it in this special feature on TheHorse.com.

A few millimeters deep into the horse’s hoof capsule lies a hoof-shaped bone that seemingly defies gravity. Commonly called the coffin bone, this third phalanx (P3)—analogous to the bone in the tip of the human finger—connects to P2 via a hinge joint. Supported by connective tissues and the sole beneath, this bone, loaded with the horse’s weight in movement, should, in theory, be crashing down with the earth’s pull, causing severe pain. Amazingly, however, it does not. A remarkable, perhaps superhero-like strong matrix of primary fibers called lamellae—and secondary lamellae extending from them like narrow leaves projecting from a book—suspend the coffin bone parallel with the hoof wall. These lamellae grip so strongly onto the coffin bone that they resist even the most powerful, jarring strains placed on them as horses’ feet thunder across the toughest ground. Like all superheroes, though, lamellae have their weak points. Under certain conditions, lamellar tissues weaken, stretch, and separate. Giving way to the load above it, the loosened coffin bone can rotate away from the hoof (tipping downward at the toe) or sink down—even piercing the sole. While insulin appears to be lamellar tissues’ veritable kryptonite, researchers are homing in on other dangers, including abnormal blood flow in the foot and an insufficient energy supply. Learn about the causes and clinical signs of laminitis in horses, and what researchers say about how to manage and prevent it, in this special feature we sponsored on TheHorse.com.
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Saved by Soft Ride

We LOVE hearing from our customers and getting updates on how your horses are doing! Please send us your story and a photo of your horse in their Soft Ride products for a chance to be featured on our social media, in an upcoming issue of our newsletter, and to be entered in a Soft Ride giveaway!

Email us here: socialmedia@srboots.com

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Facebook: Soft Ride Equine Comfort Boots
Instagram: @soft.ride

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Soft Ride Mission

As we continue our drive to keep your horse on his feet, we've received more than 15 patents, ship to over 50 countries, and work with more than 6,000 veterinarians around the world, as well as every veterinarian school in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. And with horse owners from every discipline using our products, we can safely and proudly say, "The best in the world rely on Soft Ride."

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Disclaimer: This content is for education and is not medical advice. If you suspect medical illness or injury contact your veterinarian for medical advise.
Copyright © 2024 Soft-Ride, Inc., All rights reserved.

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